Resident Evil 4 HD Commands

Published: 2018-12-02, Updated: 2020-04-19


Combinações de jóias

Jarra de cerveja


Lâmpada Mariposa

Coroa dos Salazar


Rotacionar items no iventario


Matando inimigos

Path do Save gamee


Fazendo bind dos QTE de Resident evil 4

Hold "P" to repeatedly press "X" and "C",, it's good for either. () Hold "O" to wiggle mouse.

Press "K" for the combo "X"+"C". Press "L" for the combo "LMB"+"RMB". Press both "K" and "L" to ensure success! :D

Press "RAlt" to toggle Active and Inactive. Press "End" to end script.

Script will only be active when the RE4 game is focused. (If you want to kill it just go to system tray, righclick the green AutoHotKey icon and choose Exit.)

Get the tool here:

Neither installation nor admin credentials required. Just set the file (*.ahk) to be opened with the program executable.

UPDATE: "L" actually works as a quickshot hotkey. It helped a lot against

2019 UPDATE: Cruft and unnecessary code removed. Script is only active when the RE4 game is focused. Link to Github instead of Google Drive.

This is it:

Detalhes do poder de fogo de cada arma

Weapons Table

Weapon Level Exclusive Firepower Firing Speed Reload Speed Capacity Code Exc Desc
Handgun Max 2.0 0.33 0.87 25 25 52
Handgun Exclusive Firepower 2.0 0.33 0.87 25 26 52 critical headshot chances 5x
Red9 Max 3.7 0.40 1.67 22 25 52
Red9 Exclusive Firepower 6.5 0.40 1.67 22 26 52 Increased Firepower
Punisher Max 1.9 0.33 0.83 28 25 52
Punisher Exclusive Firepower 1.9 0.33 0.83 28 26 52 Penetrates up to 5 bodies
Blacktail Max 3.2 0.27 0.83 35 25 52
Blacktail Exclusive Firepower 4.5 0.27 0.83 35 26 52 Increased firepower
Matilda Max 2.5 0.47 0.87 30 05 52
Matilda Exclusive Capacity 2.5 0.47 0.87 100 05 62
Broken Buttlerfly Max 28.0 0.70 2.33 12 05 32
Broken Buttlerfly Exclusive Firepower 50.0 0.70 2.33 12 05 62
Killer 7 Max 35.0 0.70 0.93 14 02 22
Killer 7 Exclusive N/A 35.0 0.70 0.93 14 02 22
Shotgun Max 8.0 1.53 1.67 18 05 52
Shotgun Exclusive Firepower 8.0 1.53 1.67 18 06 52 Same firepower on close and long distances
Riot Gun Max 8.0 1.53 1.67 17 05 52
Riot Gun Exclusive Firepower 10.0 1.53 1.67 17 06 52
Striker Max 12.0 1.10 1.67 28 05 52
Striker Exclusive Capacity 12.0 1.10 1.67 100 05 62
Rifle Max 12.0 2.73 2.33 18 05 52
Rifle Exclusive Firepower 30.0 2.73 2.33 18 06 52
Rifle (semi-auto) Max 15.0 1.83 1.33 24 05 52
Rifle (semi-auto) Exclusive Firing Speed 15.0 1.83 0.80 24 15 52 Fast Firing Speed
TMP Max 1.2 0.10 1.17 250 05 52
TMP Exclusive Firepower 1.8 0.10 1.17 250 06 52
Mine Thrower Max 6.0 1.33 2.57 10 02 21
Mine Thrower Exclusive Firepower 6.0 1.33 2.57 10 03 21 Adds "homing" to the Mine-Darts and significantly increses blast radius
Chicago Typewriter 10.0 0.10 2.83 20 00 00
Chicago Typewriter Max 10.0 0.10 2.83 35 00 50
Chicago Typewriter Exclusive F.P. / Cap. 10.0 0.10 2.83 ~ 06 60
Rocket Launcher 1 00 00
PRL 412 ~ 00 00
Infinite Launcher ~ 02 22

Data mapping

12 41
|| ||______ Reload Speed
|| |_______ Capacity
||_________ Firepower
|__________ Firing Speed

Overclocking CPU power limit GraalVM Commands
