error: invalid conversion from 'LPCVOID' {aka 'const void*'} to 'LPVOID' {aka 'void*'} [-fpermissive]
VirtualFreeEx(hProcess, codep, 0, MEM_RELEASE);
Use o reinterpret_cast
LPVOID lpFunction = ...;
DWORD_PTR dwpFunction = reinterpret_cast<DWORD_PTR>(lpFunction);
nm -D /lib/$(uname -m)-linux-gnu/libc-*.so | grep -vw U | grep -v "_" | cut -d " " -f3
#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0500
#include <windows.h>
#include <winuser.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
HWND hWnd = GetConsoleWindow();
ShowWindow( hWnd, SW_MINIMIZE ); //won't hide the window without SW_MINIMIZE
ShowWindow( hWnd, SW_HIDE );
fgets (name, 100, stdin);
is the max length of the buffer. You should adjust it as per your need.
scanf ("%[^\n]%*c", name);
printf("%c", 'h');
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv)
int v;
const char *str1 = "hello";
const char *str2 = "world";
v = strcmp(str1, str2);
if (v < 0)
printf("'%s' is less than '%s'.\n", str1, str2);
else if (v == 0)
printf("'%s' equals '%s'.\n", str1, str2);
else if (v > 0)
printf("'%s' is greater than '%s'.\n", str1, str2);
return 0;
Specifier | Output | Example |
d or i | Signed decimal integer | 392 |
u | Unsigned decimal integer | 7235 |
o | Unsigned octal | 610 |
x | Unsigned hexadecimal integer | 7fa |
X | Unsigned hexadecimal integer (uppercase) | 7FA |
f | Decimal floating point, lowercase | 392.65 |
F | Decimal floating point, uppercase | 392.65 |
e | Scientific notation (mantissa/exponent), lowercase | 3.9265e+2 |
E | Scientific notation (mantissa/exponent), uppercase | 3.9265E+2 |
g | Use the shortest representation: %e or %f | 392.65 |
G | Use the shortest representation: %E or %F | 392.65 |
a | Hexadecimal floating point, lowercase | -0xc.90fep-2 |
A | Hexadecimal floating point, uppercase | -0XC.90FEP-2 |
c | Character | a |
s | String of characters | sample |
p | Pointer address | b8000000 |
n | Nothing printed. The corresponding argument must be a pointer to a signed int. The number of characters written so far is stored in the pointed location. | |
% | A % followed by another % character will write a single % to the stream. | % |
Nao testado
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
void *handle;
int (*cosine)(const char * format, ...);
char *error;
handle = dlopen ("c", RTLD_LAZY);
if (!handle) {
fputs (dlerror(), stderr);
cosine = dlsym(handle, "cos");
if ((error = dlerror()) != NULL) {
fputs(error, stderr);
(*cosine)("%s", "Hello World!!!");
#include <string.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <utility>
using namespace std;
extern "C" map<int, string> findUserById();
map<int, string> findUserById(){
map<int, string> user;
user[1] = "Bob";
user[2] = "Mark";
user[3] = "Ana";
return user;
g++ -Wl,-z,defs -fPIC -shared -o map.cpp
checking the symbols
$ objdump -t | grep "find"
0000000000003a75 g F .text 00000000000000bb findUserById
map<int, int>::iterator it;
for ( it = players.begin(); it != players.end(); it++ ) {
std::cout << it->first // string (key)
<< ':'
<< it->second // string's value
<< std::endl ;
cpp commands, c++ commands, c commands